Friday, April 4

food log...04.04.2008

am = 2 oz POM & smoothie: banana, strawberries & 1/2 c unsweetened soymilk + handful raw nuts
snack = grapes!!! :D

1:26 pm - now i'm stressed out and eating like a mo' fo'...what the hell?? i don't even know what to label this...lunch? a snack? i ate about 6 olives, a piece of bread w/mustard on it, a choc chip muffin, about 1/2 c of cooked pasta (cold, right out of the fridge, no less) & a shitload of carrots - all in the last 10-20 i hate stress :(
dammit, i forgot about the pretzels...handful of pretzels, too :( fucking hell...i'm sooo gaining weight from this...why can't people just leave me the fuck alone? :(
2:19 - veggie burger on sesame bun & big blueberry dressing yet...saving that for tonight :D

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