Wednesday, January 30

vegan...seriously? yes, seriously...

Well, I finally did it...I started following the 6 wk plan from Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman. I'm going to be vegan for (at least) the next 6 wks or so.

To sum up the book, Dr. Fuhrman basically recommends the following daily diet:


Eat as much as you want

  • All raw vegetables, including raw carrots (goal: 1 lb daily)
  • Cooked green vegetables (goal: 1 lb daily)
  • Beans, legumes, bean sprouts, and tofu (1 cup daily)
  • Fresh fruit (at least 4 daily)
  • Eggplant, mushrooms, peppers, onions, tomatoes


Not more than one serving (1 cup) per day

  • Cooked starchy vegetables or whole grains (butternut or acorn squash, corn, potatoes, rice, cooked carrots, sweet potatoes, breads, cereals)
  • Raw nuts and seeds (1 oz max per day)
  • Avocado (2 oz max per day)
  • Ground flaxseed (1 tbsp per day)


  • Dairy products
  • Animal products
  • Between-meal snacks
  • Fruit juice & dried fruit
When you're done w/the weight loss portion of it all, he basically recommends a 90/10 way of eating. Meaning 90% of your diet is made up of what's listed above, and 10% can be made up of everything else. ;) So, we're gonna see if I can hack it for the 6 wks and if so, I'll just continue that until I've reached my goal weight. I had already dropped a few lbs from being sick for so long, but I've dropped another 4 lbs since Monday (granted, this could partially be water weight, but I couldn't say for sure). One thing I can say w/certainty is - I LOVE hummus. I made some hummus yesterday, along w/some whole wheat pitas (yes, from scratch) and man....deeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious!!! :D stuffed the pita w/some tomato, lettuce and onion, slathered on the hummus and yowza! Anyway, just thought I'd share...ttfn!

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